Should You Count Steps?

Counting steps was a popular thing to do a few years ago, and it seems to be gaining momentum again. But does it do anything? The results really depend on you, and what you want to get out of it.

Most of us know the principle of changing your routine to see more results. If you haven’t heard that before, it relates to many studies saying that your muscles are smarter than you think they are. If you keep doing the same thing over and over again, your body gets used to it, and adapts it’s response. Therefore, not giving you the same effect & response you got at the start. You need to up the stress on the body, if you want to keep getting new results.

In terms of steps, if you work an office sit down job, setting a certain goal of steps per day is great. It gets you up and moving, keeping your joints decently mobile and active. It may produce some weight loss at the start.

But if you’re using it as a guide to weight loss, doing the same minimum over and over may not give you the results you want. Honestly, it probably won’t. You could be the rare case where it works long term for weight loss, but why guess if you’re going to be a lucky one?

As we said, your body gets used to the stress over time. That’s why common activities (laundry, mowing the lawn, cleaning the house, walking your home stairs, etc), don’t produce many weight loss results, if any, results for most. Your body is used to it, so you need to give it more stress to see the results.

If your goal is 12,000 steps a day, try doing that a few days a week, but then going 14,000 steps a couple days, and maybe 15,000+ one or two days. That way, you’re forcing your body to adapt to new changes and stresses, allowing it to adjust and possibly use more energy systems to work.

Shawna – On My Weigh – Jan 2023

Shawna is a client of our ours, that’s willing to share her weight loss journey. She’s a mother, wife and works a full time job. All of her comments are in her own words, unedited. Please contact us to start your journey,, 7807184805

Hello my faithful followers.

My apologies for the late blog. I was trying to decide what to say. But the longer I wait, the less I can think of what to type. Ya, my brain is dumb.

Well it’s been awhile since I’ve updated. But really there’s not alot that has changed.

Christmas time had me quite busy and this year was a hell of a lot different than past ones due to my mother in law passing away in October.

After Christmas I had the opportunity to go to Hawaii for my 25th wedding anniversary, and that was amazing. While I didn’t do my workouts with Mark, I WAS walking every day. And I made sure I made the healthiest food choices I could make while we were away. We didn’t eat at any fast food joints so at least the restaurants we ate at had healthy options.

Well I’ve been back for a couple weeks now, well 10 days to be exact and I’m back at it with Mark. I hope to start getting into better shape. Motorcycle season is fast approaching and I want to be able to ride for longer periods without getting sore.

Also my most recent challenge has been this tennis elbow. Man it’s painful and my Physio therapist doesn’t want me lifting more than 3-4 pounds until it heals. So Mark has been really great at creating workouts that are easy for me to do yet still gives me a good cardio regime.

I know this blog is a bit longer than usual but it’s been awhile. I decided to do monthly updates for now. So sometimes they might be long. Honestly I don’t have much to post about right now.

Have a healthy month!

Shawna On My Weigh – Dec, 2022

Shawna is a client of our ours, that’s willing to weekly share her weight loss journey. She’s a mother, wife and works a full time job. All of her comments are in her own words, unedited. Please contact us to start your journey,, 7807184805

This week may be a dull update. I ended up ill for some of the time and I had to miss my workouts. Yes. Sick again. Ugh. One of the days I also had a migraine, which ended up lasting for several days. Not fun.

I now have an injury in one of my arms. My physio therapist diagnosed it with tennis elbow. I’ve never had tennis elbow before but let me tell you, it’s absolutely painful.

With all of this being said, Mark has been great finding work outs that I can do that aren’t further injuring my arm. We work on legs and abs and holy crap even without the usage of my arms, it’s still been hard work. I’m really hoping it heals up fast so I can get back 100%.

Bringing Mark back into my life was such a great idea. The circumstances sucked of course, but at least I’m back into it. And Mark has great work outs. I’m not always happy with him. I’m a whiney client. But I know that what he’s having me do is good for me and when I want to give up on myself, he doesn’t let me, even though that pisses me off when he does that. Hahaha

Have yourselves a wonderful week and if you’re looking for a workout partner, I’m game :-). It could be fun with multiple people. Contact Mark for more information. No he didn’t tell me to say this. I’ve been looking for a workout partner for ages.

Make good choices this week and hopefully next update will be more fun 🙂

Shawna – On My Weigh – Nov #2/22

Shawna is a client of our ours, that’s willing to weekly share her weight loss journey. She’s a mother, wife and works a full time job. All of her comments are in her own words, unedited. Please contact us to start your journey,, 7807184805

Starting up has been slow but it’s starting. After my last blog, I ended up ill so I took a break from working out. I know some people believe that exercise should be done no matter what but I couldn’t get away from my bed, let alone the house. Not to mention, I wasn’t able to eat so my energy levels were quite low. But, I think – HOPE – that’s all behind me now. 

Hubby had to go to Calgary for work and I invited myself to go along with him. I found out ahead of time that the hotel we stayed in had a gym so I was able to coordinate with Mark to work out on Google chat or whatever it is. It’s similar to zoom. Having missed a week of working out, I didn’t think I should miss out even more Especially since what was I going to do??? I was planning on sitting on my butt in the hotel room all day long, so what’s one hour out of my day??

The gym had everything we needed and also had some of the same equipment Mark makes me use anyways hahahaha.  Minus the first 15 minutes of my workout, I had the gym all to myself. It was great. 

I’m sharing a picture of my workout space. With a view like this, how could I NOT work out??

Working out with Mark definitely has become easier. I guess one good thing came from Covid – we discovered that being away from home is no excuse to not workout. 

With that – have a great week and hope you’re all making healthy choices, gym-wise, food-wise, any-wise Lolol

Shawna – On My Weigh – Nov /22

Shawna is a client of our ours, that’s willing to weekly share her weight loss journey. She’s a mother, wife and works a full time job. All of her comments are in her own words, unedited. Please contact us to start your journey,, 7807184805

I’m baaaaack!!!

After a couple of years in hiatus, I have decided to get back into my fitness.  Why this blog, some might ask.  Well, it keeps me accountable to start and maybe someone else who is struggling will see that you’re not alone.

When I last worked out with Mark, my personal trainer, I had lost a lot of weight – about 80 pounds.  Add on to that, eating better.  But without my workouts, I wouldn’t have started eating better, so I still give credit to the work outs.  Who the hell wants to work out for an hour and go home just to pig out on junk??  I did…at first.  But it didn’t take me long to stop that.  In 2021 I ended up gaining all my weight back, plus a little bit more.  I had stopped working out, I had stopped eating healthy.  I stopped caring.  With that attitude, everything with obesity came back – my sore knees, my low energy, my lack of motivation.  

I recently suffered a loss in my family and the sadness and depression has become so overwhelming that I contacted Mark and said I needed something to keep my mind off the sadness…even if it’s just for the hour that I’m with him.  What have I got to lose?  I’ll lose weight, I’ll get some happy endorphins coursing through my body.  That’s what’s going to happen.

So, I’m starting back up with Mark.  I’ve had 2 sessions already and while I need time to get that “I’m excited for my workout mentaliy” I’m looking forward to seeing the changes my body is going to go through.          I did end up losing a little bit of weight on my own so I am still starting at a lower weight than I was when I first met him many years ago.  I figure if noone reads my blogs, that’s ok.  It’s just a way to keep myself accountable.

Have a great week and make good choices!

Kids Workout?

Saw this in the store, it’s a kids fitness set. All in all, it’s pretty good, except for one thing, the ankle/wrist weights.
Unless it’s been specifically prescribed by your doctor, don’t put those on your kid.
Well at the top of the leg and the arm is a ball and socket joint. Odds your kid doesn’t violently swing their arms or legs for fun while it’s on? Slim. Think of it in terms of a stick attached to a ball by string. Now, if you add weight to the bottom of that a swing it side to side continually, what’s going to happen?

  • strings stretch? – stick snaps? – strings break?
  • one string becomes looser than the other?
  • haven’t even discussed what may happen in the socket

Think of that being your kids legs or arms… ah no.

Everything has it’s place, but maybe stay away from the wrist and ankle weights for your kids.